Thread: got a dog?
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Old 07-11-2010, 10:51 AM
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Originally Posted by ktbb
Originally Posted by hazeljane
I sort of (via the internet) know a woman in Anchorage, I think, who has iggies. Let me know if you want her info- you may check out the breed.

Italian greyhounds DO not like cold. My friend could tell you better how they are in AK, but mine would not leave the house if they could avoid it in the winter.
Besides the fact that iggies don't usually like the cold, I hesitate to get a dog that is trained and bred to run faster than a human (especially me with my new knees!) so think I'll pass on the referral for them. I have to go outside in the winter...and like want a dog that doesn't mind going along. But thanks!
They aren't trained to run that fast, they just do. And not all the time, but if they see something interesting 100 yards away, they can just take off. Mostly they are couch potatoes.

I'm not encouraging or even recommending them. I think in bitter cold, they'd be a pain to deal with and would almost definitely regress in potty training. I love them, but I also have no illusions that they're great dogs for everyone. If you like to be outside in the winter- a dog with some body fat and fur is likely a much much better choice.

I'm interested to see what you decide!

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