Thread: got a dog?
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Old 07-13-2010, 07:36 PM
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Originally Posted by ktbb
Originally Posted by PuffinGin
,,, we like to take off and go frequently often to places where we couldn't take a dog so it just isn't practical
Where do you go that you feel you shouldn't or couldn't take a dog? Since I want one to travel with me, I want to make sure I"m considering all aspects. Thanks
DH and I go on at least one wilderness canoe trio longer than one week and several 3-5 day canoe trips in a year. These involve paddling and portaging in remote areas with rough terrain. Hazards for our dog would include wandering off, encounters with or chasing wild animals (bears, moose, even squirrels), ticks, insects. Many of our other vacations involve traveling by car, poking around a state or several states seeing what there is to see, doing a mixture of things from visiting parks, historic sites, museums, hiking; sometimes camping, sometimes staying in motels. We often don't have a set schedule or itinerary or reservations and finding places where a dog is accepted or is safe can be a problem. A dog's needs are simple but I think it might not find looking at birds, historic or natural sites as entertaining as we do-- if it is even allowed in. I reallly don't care for putting my dog in a kennel and leaving her/him home for more than a short time. In addition, making arrangements for dog care takes time and makes last minute get-aways more difficult. That's what I mean by problems with having and dog and being able to travel at will. I'm hoping in a few years, I'll decide I'd rather stay home more and then I'll get a dog again.
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