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Old 07-14-2010, 05:56 AM
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 47

Originally Posted by DJ
My joy is in the making/giving. It's up to the recipient to get their own joy in recieiving/using/storing/whatever. It can be disappointing if it's not used the way you intended, but that's just the glory of our differences.
I so agree with you. I love to make them and then give them and once I give them away what others to with them is their choice. I feel good when I give them to someone and if they don't use them that is their choice. I know it's tough to understand but when we give gifts whether it's something we made or bought you never know what the recipient is going to do with it and really we can't control that. I've learned in my life to that I can't control anyone else and I can only control me and my actions. It helps me from getting too frusterated.

My husband passed away about 14 months ago, I'm a young widow and I've really learned what matters and what doensn't. I guess our life lessons do either mellow us out or make us crazy. Sometimes, I wonder if I'm mellowing out or going crazy?

Just my two cents.
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