Thread: grrr, really?
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Old 07-21-2010, 01:59 PM
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I am glad it is not just my husband. Although it can all be replaced and its not a life or death issue around here. He did however redeem himself. He went to school this morning and came home with a new cutter in the bag along with a few things I needed him to pick up! The funny thing.
I haven't even opened it yet. The blade on the old cutter is still sharp and it works. I just have to make sure I don't absent mindedly put it in my pocket between cuts like I normally do! lol
Can you imagine going to the hospital and explaining THAT one? Actually I would have to call his work and explain to them first what I had done because I would need him to come home. And that would be worse than explaining at the hospital! My husband works in a prison.
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