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Old 07-24-2010, 10:35 AM
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from MistiMarie -- "I often use my patterns as inspiration, but NONE of my final creations end up looking like the pattern because I always modify or alter the design to my own. That being said, so many patterns look alike. How can anyone be sure, especially with pieced blocks, that they are creating something that someone else hasn't done in the past?"

After reading all the posts, I'm surprised this slant had not been mentioned before. Hasn't everyone seen - & wondered?! - about all the magazine patterns (as well as quilting patterns & books at retail) that are near exact duplicates of a previous pattern??! I can go thro my quilting magazines & show you dozens of patterns that are just like another magazine, even another issue of the same magazine! Not once has any aricle given credit to another mag or designer. And this is the publishing business?? If they don't seem to be concerned about copyright issues, why are we losing sleep over them?? You would think that if anyone would be extra cautious when it comes to copyright infringement, it would be the magazines & pattern publishers themselves.
I've looked this subject up numerous times, & while we all have our 'take' on it, it just seems to be one of those never-ending debates that only give us wrinkles & gray hair. And I have enough already, don't need or want anymore! lol
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