Old 07-28-2010, 11:44 AM
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: nowhere
Posts: 238

***Update*** So my mom offered the owner $35 for the machine and it is going to come and live with me!! Thank you all for your advice. I have never purchased an older machine but after starting this group I have had a really strong need to own a vintage machine!!!!! (kinda like when your friend gets something new you need to get it too!) Thank you so much for your advice and I cannot wait to get it home tomorrow!!!!

Originally Posted by lilpoohbearie
I have the chance to purchase this machine. My mom sent me a picture and I am not sure of the model number ect. I have tried to find some info on it (I realize without model number it is a long shot) I was wondering if anyone might have seen this machine and would know what a good price to offer for it would be. Thank you so much!
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