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Old 08-02-2010, 10:10 PM
lylamarie's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Alberta
Posts: 90

Hi all, I too have fibromyalgia, and I have found that just before a flare-up I will have trouble saying some words. It is in my head but I can't say the word, I know then that a flare-up is coming. I have had fibromyalgia many years but was diagnosed with it in 1994 about 3 years after a back injury and was in physio daily for 9 months to get me walking upright. I thot I was losing my mind. I couldn't concentrate on anything and after therapy I would spend the rest of the day in bed. I have had several remissions and now the pain is not as bad as it used to be. at least not all the time. I find I have to pace myself or I am useless!! I also have congestive heart failure, have had 2 heart attacks lots of damage, degenerative disc disease. Definately stress plays a big part. I have a wonderful support group in my women friends. We swim at least twice a week and meet for coffee etc. after. It is the best therapy. Lots of laughter,love and compassion. plus the excercise. good luck to all with this crappy (oh yes, also IBS seems to go hand in hand with fibro)which makes for more interesting stories at the coffee table. Keep up your spirits!!!
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