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Old 08-05-2010, 05:48 AM
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Originally Posted by Moon Holiday
Although I like cats, I cannot have one anywhere in my house because my DH is terribly allergic to them. Over the years we've owned several dogs and when my DD and her two girls lived with us for about 5 years, we had my daughter's Quaker Parrot (Tweets) with us. Many times while I'd be sewing "Tweets" would be on the nearby table next to the window and I'd hear, "Hi There, whatcha doin?" and I'd automatically smile and answer with, "I'm sewing". Then I'd look over to see that "Tweets" was actually looking out the window and trying to converse with other birds. And before moving in with us, when my DD was going through her divorce and had to work, she'd leave her radio on an easy pop program to keep Tweets entertained while she was gone all day. Apparently about 2 hours after she'd leave for work the station would change over to hip-hop music, so once they all began living at our house, Tweets would entertain us by singing rap songs and dancing along his perch, with his head bopping to the music he was singing. And we were amazed that we could identify the dozens of songs Tweets would sing.
I would love to see that! What a smart bird to memorize those songs and replay them back so that you could recognize them.

We've always had cats until our last one died this past fall. Not sure if we're getting more or not, but they are wonderful company even if they do sleep on your sewing chair, on top of the fabric or play with the spools of thread! :lol:
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