Old 08-06-2010, 05:15 AM
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Location: Lexington,Kentucky
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My hubby has Type 2, for many years now. He won't follow any diet at all! Pills have kept things in an even range until last month, then the numbers shot way up. Another new pill, and that has made him nauseated and dizzy for two weeks now. Because of getting scared, he has stopped all sweets, but I'm worried. He has neuropathy in his feet, has had for several years. His doctor doesn"T even have him checking his blood sugar everyday, and I don't understand that at all. The family all seem to think I can make him do things, but I CAN'T!! He only does what he wants, and I feel they think I don"t care. He has gained so much weight, sit'S in his chair and sleeps most all day. He is going for a stress test today ,after all the kids jumped his case all summer, then his sisters came to visit in July and they did too. I'm worried what that will show, I really think there is a problem with his heart, and he is so stubborn, I don't know if he would have surgery if needed. This is the same husband who was scared to death I would die this winter and insisted I do everything I was told. Doesn't he realize how much I need and want him to be well?!! I'll try to make him eat right, but I am very confused about the proper diet for him, afraid I won't get it right!
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