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Old 08-08-2010, 04:39 AM
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Jrhboxers(and everyone else)Thanks for all the info!

I got the kitten formula and they love it! But, I had to get up several times last night to feed them so I've had no sleep at all, LOL! They cried about every 2-3 hours until I got up and fed them! I slept with them in a box by my head, LOL. I wanted to sleep with them in the bed, but I was afraid I'd squish them or they'd fall off, LOL! They do not like the box. I've got the indoor crates for my dogs, but they can get out of them.

Something else they are doing: I let them out in my sewing room yesterday and they cluster around my feet and cry until I pick them up and hold them. I swear I think they miss their mommy and want me to be their mommy! I can't believe how quickly they have taken up with me.

I'm getting so attached to these little boogers, I may just keep them all, LOL! The rest of the family is, too.

I have Nutrical already. I have to keep it for my chihuahua that is a picky eater. So, how many times a day should I give it to them? My dogs love it, when they see Tweak (my chi) getting it, they beg for it!

I've been afraid to bath them, where they are so small. I have some "puppy wipes" like baby wipes, that I got most of the coal off them with. Would it be ok to actually bath them? I wear contacts, so I have plenty of saline solution,too. I would have never thought about using that!

I'm afraid to worm them. I've got the Drontal pills and the Nemex liquid(I've got 5 dogs, LOL, so I've got lots of supplies), but I'm going to take them to the vet tomorrow, and see what he thinks about their age, etc.

Two of them was playing with yarn yesterday! They had a ball playing with it. The little tiny white one chased it across the room, he runs FAST!
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