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Old 08-17-2010, 04:06 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Wyoming
Posts: 90

What can they do? They are doing the best they can with the resources they have available. They keep the animals as long as they can but they have to make room for more because people just keep on bringing them...people who get pets and don't think of the long term or can't keep them anymore for whatever reason or can't afford them. People don't spay and neuter. Animals have become such a throwaway in our society. Shelters are SO underfunded. If they posted signs on the doors of what would actually happen, what would people do then? Would they go dump their pets? What is the solution? Not all shelters can afford to be NK shelters. They simply don't have the capacity, especially if they are the only shelter in the entire city/county. We have FOUR rescue/shelter dogs. We never planned on four, but they all needed homes. I've been on my local shelter board. I volunteer. We donate to rescues every single month. We do as much as we possibly can to help out. If it bothers you get out there help make a change. Be a voice for the animals. You sound passionate about your feelings so I'm sure they would love your help. :)
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