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Old 08-17-2010, 04:28 PM
Super Member
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Windham, Maine
Posts: 1,251

OK - I'm game and unemployed - AGAIN - so I've got time.

I taught myself to quilt. Mom taught me how to wind a bobbin.
First pattern was a simple one patch that followed diagonally across the quilt.
I made it for my best high school friend's wedding present and she doesn't even remember it - about 37 years ago.
Favorite quilt? Oh, please. There is no way I could choose. There are too many. But I do love the one I sleep under, and my avatar one, and my Snail Trail, and the one I made that will finally have a grandbaby attached to it, and the one on the back of my couch.... OK you get the idea.
I give them away, I sell them, I hang them all over the house, and sleep (or rest) under them.
The oldest is another one patch thing that my mom - who knew I was getting into this - cut patches for out of the leftovers of all the clothes she made for all four of her girls. It's a moving blanket, and picnic blanket, and when it gets really cold here in Maine, I offer it to any guests who are freezing to sleep under - when it's at home and not with one of my kids.
I joined a guild one year and went to about 6 meetings. Then I had to work at night and couldn't go anymore. I have never taken a workshop or a class. I buy books, or look on-line and figure 'em out on my own.
I've never entered a quilt show but do enter into our local county fair. And I have never received less than a blue ribbon.
I encourage anyone who will listen to me - not many takers so far - they're afraid.
And I do it because it keeps me sane, and productive, and I love putting colors together and hand quilting is therapeutic, and they decorate my home and make me happy and keep me warm.
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