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Old 08-19-2010, 05:22 AM
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Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: New Hampshire
Posts: 344

New Hampshire is a no kill state. In fact when there was a large amount of chihuahuas in CA (Every time a movie star has a purse dog every one and their brother think they have to have one so the litters become uncontrolable) they sent our state a lot of them. Catherine Heigel and her mom footed a lot of the bill. Puerto Rico has a death beach. (Hopefully they have worked on that) I will let your minds go from there. Anyway the rescue there sends some of the dogs our way. In fact I have one. Didn't know at the time where she came from and didn't care. One thing I can't stress enough Please spay and neuter your animals! If you don't have enough money to do so the rescues here help to defray the costs. We call it ,"No Excuse Monday"I have a bumper sticker on my car that says,"Cats nap, only humans put them to sleep." Try the SPCA for cheap s/n, just about every state has one. There is no excuse for abandoned kittens and puppies. Now I will get off my soap box.
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