Old 08-21-2010, 08:30 PM
Join Date: May 2009
Location: LA - Lower Alabama
Posts: 888

This discussion was going on long before you joined in - and mentioned that you design for McCalls - so how can you say, Anger is directed towards you?

Why is it hard to understand that people who are honest, pay for books and magazines, make quilts, are pleased with the quilts they make and want to show them off - maybe even enter a contest or show or fair, and ALL OF A SUDDEN, they are being told, "no no, you can pay for the pattern/book/magazine, you can buy the fabric, you can do the cutting, sewing, quilting, but you CANNOT show the resulting quilt without my say-so"

Maybe WE resent being accused of "ripping somebody off" ([bold}because they are sick and tired of being ripped off by people who don't understand or don't care about copyright]/bold])
How is it ripping somebody off if you buy the book/magazine/pattern and then want to show off the quilt?
That's the question - if the pattern is AVAILABLE why would somebody assume that there are more strings attached to a pattern???????????
If a designer is so convinced that her work is so important and so vital and so outstanding that this quilt pattern is so unusual and that everybody is just waiting to rip it off when somebody has the audacity to actually use the pattern, then why is she making the pattern available to the PUBLIC?

And here's something else - all designers should refuse to let their books be included in libraries or used book stores because oh somebody will buy that book cheap or even worse, not pay anything when they borrow it from the library and use the pattern for free - God forbid

And another thing, I've gotten BRAND NEW books at Hobby Lobby on the markdown counter for 99 CENTS each - 25 dollar books!! so how much did the author get from that?
I bought the BOOK LEGALLY paid legal tender for it, at a legitimate store... and guess what, nothing in the books said, by the way, contact me (author) before you show anybody the quilts after you get them all done.
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