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Old 09-06-2010, 06:03 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Joplin, Missouri
Posts: 1,058

When I was working I bought up bolt ends and remnents.. So I have a big stash.. of course it doesn't have much of anything over a yard or two... so I mostly make scrap quilts and try to make due with what I have... I have made dozens of quilts, kept some, given many.. I'll use the fabric I have and the patterns I have and then I guess I'll be done. How many quilts away from being done am I?? pretty far.. Seems like no matter how much sewing I do I still have a ton of fabric.. so I try to spend nothing at all.. backings are the biggest problem.. I've seen lots of people just sew pieces of fabric together until it's big enough for the back.. but somehow that doesn't appeal to me... so I am still buying backings..
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