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Old 09-07-2010, 03:18 PM
Ramona Byrd
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Join Date: May 2009
Location: Merced, CA
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And one of the best I remember is "I solemnly swear by Cary Grant!" and you had to keep your word.

Those Poodle skirts with the under skirts stiffened with sugar water and then ironed to a cardboard stiffness, that is, until you started sweating or sat down, then the whole thing stuck to your legs. And saddle shoes with one penny in each shoe, the dates on them must be the same or else bad luck, and ankle socks turned down exactly two times. Hair swept up in front, flat on top I think and then rolled all around on the ends. Murder to keep up.

I had a picture of me in a lovely poodle later years it made me look like I was slowly sinking into the ground, so I cut up the picture and was glad the skirt was history.
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