Old 09-07-2010, 10:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Scissor Queen
Originally Posted by quilterguy27
Originally Posted by Scissor Queen
My guess would be because repairmen don't live on air and have bills to pay. They have building rent and utilities to pay plus since it's their only job they also have homes and cars and such to pay for. Life ain't cheap.
No, life isn't cheap, but what happened to reasonable. That's highway robbery and should be classified as a crime. IMHO
I have yet to see a rich sewing machine repair person. You are not forced to take any machine in for repairs. You can always throw them away and go buy a new one.
I'm quickly learning from Billy how to maintain my own machines and now I won't have to pay the rediculous repairman prices. No machine of mine is going in the trash. They probably aren't rich because they charge too much. IMHO!! Charge a little less, do quality work and thru word of mouth you will build a clientell, then have a comfortable living. Charge too much and have no business and poor living. We need more repairmen like Billy. Wish we could just clone him and put one of him in each city. We'd all profit from his knoweldge and he would profit from those of us who are too chicken to take on the repairs ourselves. OOPS!! I didn't mean to blow your horn, Billy. LOL!
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