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Old 09-08-2010, 01:36 AM
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Well at the moment the currency exchange is good for us. For example $7.99 US = $8.73Au so only a little difference, most of our fabric though in LQS are $22Au to $28Au (well over here on the West coast anyway). We can buy it from other stores for an average price of $19.95Au/metre and on sale for anywhere from $2 to$8/metre but one has to be careful of what type of fabric it is as not all of it is good quality and it shows. Quite often the fabric in those particular stores that are put out for this price are also types that aren't selling for what ever reason.

I recently bought a roll of fabric from one of these stores which was on sale for $6. It look and felt fine but when I washed it, the fabric frayed badly, wrinkled worse and also lost a lot of colour. The fabric was from India and I was dubious intially but thought, why not give it a try as it isn't dear etc. Lesson learnt :lol:

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