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Old 09-10-2010, 09:31 AM
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Location: Twin Cities, MN
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My husband and I (boyfriend at the time) were living in DC. He was in the military, and was in training to work for White House Communications Agency. He was excited, because his class was going to be visiting the Pentagon that day. I was working at the customer service desk at Target. I remember some lady coming in and saying something about us being "attacked". I thought she was crazy... I went on break a short time later, and saw all the news coverage of the plane hitting the first tower. As I was sitting there, I watched as the second plane hit the second tower. I was stunned. I went back to work (not much choice!) when someone told me the Pentagon had been hit as well. I was freaking out, to say the least... I got a call a while later from a friend/co-worker of DH's. He let me know that DH didn't end up going to the Pentagon that day, because of the attacks in New York, they actually needed the class as phone operators (for the White House). I can't even explain to you the feeling I had....
I have to stop typing now, I can't see the keyboard through the tears..... Thanks for listening.
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