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Old 09-10-2010, 05:05 PM
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I was getting ready to go to work... when I saw the first plane hit. When they thought it might have been an accident. I had made it to work and everyone was around the TV in our conference room when the second plane hit. We all just sat there and watched the TV. NOt saying anything, the phones were not ringing, nothing. Just those horrible images. Around noon I told everyone I was leaving because I still had a birthday celebration to try and have that evening. My son was turning 20 years old, and I was going to try my hardest to make the evening a loving family celebration. We went out and had a nice supper, at a place that had no TV. It was nice to have a few minutes of not thinking about what had happened earlier in the day. My son was shaken up like everyone, but was glad that we still had time for him on that day. I told him that strong families will always stick together during times of tragedy, and it would never change the joy I felt on that day of his birth, or the thankfulness for him in our lives.
So tomorrow, I will once again be wishing him a Happy Birthday and remembering all those who were lost. Bitter sweet, to say the least.
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