Thread: Bad Day
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Old 09-10-2010, 05:58 PM
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 21

This was to be my weekend to have the house to myself, and I was going to do the River Run Shop Hop this Sat and sew to my hearts content. This day I could have done without! Started with the @#$#@ alarm goig off me trying to get out of bed getting hit with a foot cramp at the same time and gettingcaught in the *blank* sheets!! Oh I made it out of bed alright.....and met the dratted floor with all 145 pounds on my wrist.....yeah :-( it's broken.
There goes the driving couldn't go to work today, can't drive tomorrow either, body is to wrenched to sit still long enough to go three hours, And sew!!! Yeah, right. Not until the swelling goes down in the hand and they operate or put an actual cast on instead of a splint, till I heal. Forget about cutting with a rotery cutter for the time being, so the silly pattern Ardvark is going to have to be put in a box until later.
The thing about the discomfort/pain is I've had bad reactions to narcotics so unless I am with a medical person I can't take the stuff, So I'm stuck with perscription asprin and I will only be able to take four of those. ( Double sigh)
Hubby was wonderful this morning, helped me to get up off the floor, got me an ice pack, looked up where the hospital is here in town, got him self dressed and helped me to get dressed made sure I had my purse, drove me to the hospital and filled out the paperwork for me. And all before his first cup of coffee!! Then he found where he could get a fresh cup and he brought me a cup in ER too. He was so sweet. :-)
/i'm having a pitty party over this I do have to say that Hubby canceled his weekend and will be staying home so I'm not alone, and I think I am going to need some help getting undressed to. Sigh, I am so blessed and I thank God this was not so much worse and the fact that I will be able to figure out how to do things knowing that I do have two arms and hands and that I will have full mobility back, just not tomorrow. There are people that are wonderfully creative that would like my arms, hands, feet, sight, need I go on? No I don't.
If you made it this far, thanks for letting me vent (small grin). I think that there is a lot worst that could be happening so I will take this dish and over come it! I might actually dust the house! :-)
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