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Old 09-10-2010, 11:31 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: about 2 degrees north of H-E-double hockey sticks
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I was at work (Baltimore, MD) when my friend called me to tell me that a plane had hit the twin towers. Went to my boss and asked her if we could turn on the tv in her office which she agreed to. Being only about 30 miles from DC, when the news came that the Pentagon had been hit, the govenor allowed state employees liberal leave. I left because all I wanted was to get in touch with my husband who was supposed to be at the Pentagon that day and get my kids and hold them tightly. DH was already at home trying to reach me because he had been called by the school to tell him that the kids were being bused home immediately. (Many of the kids' parents in this district worked in DC). We prayed with our children and then they went to their rooms to keep each other company while DH and I watched the horror unfold on tv.
We lived very near to BWI airport and the silence of the no fly order was deafening. The whole world seemed to stop.
Being a military family, we used the health care system on Ft. Meade. They kept things like medical appointments flowing as normally as possible. Going through gates that were previously "open" to ones with several soldiers armed with huge guns was unsettling to me and scared the kids to death.
My heart aches and I get choked up every time I think of that day and the aftermath. I thank and praise GOD for all the heroes that came forth during that time, especially the gentleman on the plane who lead other passengers to disarm the terrorists causing the plane to crash in a field rather than their intended target.
I am proud to be a Christian American! I love the USA!
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