Thread: Bad Day
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Old 09-11-2010, 10:51 AM
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 21

Okay so yesterday was pitty party time. Got some paperwork done and will get more done today. So here is what happened this morning, how to take a shower? Now think about it, how do u do this and not get the cast wet, okay a clean garbage bag a rubberband and a piece of tape. Bag over the arm, then the rubber band up on the arm to keep it closed and the tape to keep the one little end from flipping around. Water is just right at this point and now to get in.
Adjust the shower head so it doesn't spray you in the face, done and now to soap up. Hmmmmm under the arms, guess I'm not going to shave there either. Okay onto the rest of the body, got it soaped and got the legs shaved only need one hand for that!
Oh oh, how to shampoo the hair and it is a screw top!! Okay put the bottle between the legs and get the top off, but how to pour it without a whole lot coming out??? And then the cream rinse! Ahh idea! I can see a shadow on the wall of the top of my head so pick up the bottle and pour, a little too much but it worked, oops found a bruise on the side of my head I didn't know I had. Made a mental note to go get the shampoo type with a pump!
Okay now I'm squeeky clean and feeling human time to shut off the water and get dry. Hmmmm think about this, letting hubby sleep some more, how to get the backside dry....ahha terry robe is hanging on the door, rub the back side on that!! Next challenge, blow drying my hair. Well it got a little dry but not styled, so maybe picking up a can of hairspray to keep the unruly hair off of my face.
Next is getting a little color on my face, didn't realise how many things I have that have screw top! And to put lotion on too! Starting to look a little more human, now to get dressed. That should be easy! Augh....the bra.....ouch that hurt, but I got it! forget about socks, and shoes sandles will work.
Allright!! I'm ready for the day and my morning routine that takes me 30 minutes on a work day (ACK!!! Hose and skirts! I've got to go get some work slacks!) took me two hours! I'm ready to go lay down (grin) dang how many bottles do we have in this house with 'child proof tops???? Or are screwed on so dratted tight you can't get them off, no it just turns between my legs......hmmmmm, Honey!!!! Please open the coffee grinder...... :-)
So I'm off on a new adventure!! This should be fun, I got handed some lemons, now if they will just rippen so we can have a lemon pie! Hmm how to roll out the crust...I know! A grham cracker crust that will work. More fun on the comming days with going to work on Monday. That's Monday's problem. Have fun all I'm off to put together quilt projects, dusting the furniture???? Well that can wait getting pretty good at typing with one finger, maybe I can sew very soon!!!
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