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Old 09-12-2010, 03:13 AM
Yarn or Fabric
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I always cringe when I see patterns listed as being torn out of magazines... I understand why they do it - since they can make a lot more money that way but I still cringe at the actual act of cutting apart a book or magazine! I know that's silly but I can hear the little pages screaming in agony as the unattached seller just exacto knives them apart lol.

I think I accidentally sold a magazine last year that I meant to keep - I can't find it and it's driving me NUTS! I'm tempted to rebuy it on Ebay but I know I'll find it afterwards lol. I really need to finish cleaning out my craft room *sigh* I only want 2 patterns out of it if I remember right - the paper pieced wreath and the snowman quilt - but I would not buy those patterns separately just because I like my things whole lol.
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