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Old 09-16-2010, 04:49 AM
Ruth Malia
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: San Angelo, Texas
Posts: 30

My kitties were trained at a young age with a water bottle - the kind you get in your gardening center that shoots a stream several feet (I am sure a water gun would work as well, but it is much harder for me to loose a large water bottle). I started out with a diluted solution of water and mouthwash since my babies HATED the taste and smell of mint. I used to use vinegar, but when I started sewing again, changed to mouthwash as I didn't want the smell of vinegar on my fabric. You spray them with it every time they get on a surface you don't want them on. I only had to use this method for about 2 weeks (my kitties were very stubborn). After that, I filled it with water and they ran from the surface any time I picked up the bottle or even looked like I was going to pick up the bottle. It doesn't harm them, but as most cats don't like water, it will "train" them to stay off of your fabric and counters, etc.
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