Thread: Iron
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Old 09-23-2010, 06:46 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2008
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I thought I needed a new iron the other day, too - but then I realized mine wasn't plugged in!

I like the ones that turn themselves off. That way my husband doesn't have to turn around when we're half-way to the airport. It only takes a couple minutes to heat up. I should probably go upstairs to see who made it, but DH is asleep in the room next door - I'll get back to y'all tomorrow.

I've heard so many bad things about Rowentas that I won't buy one. Irons don't seem to last forever like they did when I was a bride (look at me in my Avatar - hint - I'm NOT the young one). So I don't spend a lot of $$ on them. And I don't like steam, because it always spits when I'm SURE it's empty, and ONLY when I'm ironing light colors. I prefer to spray a pressing cloth instead of using steam.

I agree with Lori S ~ I don't like teflon coating either.
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