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Old 09-24-2010, 09:19 AM
feline fanatic
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Join Date: May 2009
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Originally Posted by ptquilts
I agree, declawing is not good for the cat - it makes them feel defenseless and thus changes their personality for the worse.
It is actually illegal in some countries, that tells you something.

It is illegal in MANY countries. Australia, and almost all of Europe. This should give us an inkling of what this horrible practice does.
When veterinary pharmiceutical companies want to test the effectiveness of a pain killer they test on cats/kittens that have just been declawed because it is such a painful procedure. Just look up declawing on the internet and you will be shocked. A surprising number of surrendered cats to shelters are declawed and surrendered because they have litterbox issues (not using it). Yes, many people have declawed cats and had no problems but it is a cruel un-necessary mutilation of the poor animal. And Bearisgray is correct it is amputation of the toe down to the first knuckle bone. So imagine all your fingers and toes cut off down to the first knuckle just below your fingertip!
OK off my soap box now. My advice is to enjoy those sweet babies and take lots of pictures. They are kittens for such a short time. And two are so much fun to watch play.
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