Thread: Iron
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Old 09-24-2010, 12:43 PM
Quilting Nana
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Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: La Verne, CA
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Originally Posted by knlsmith
Here's my iron story:

Several years ago (over 10) I had hardly any money but needed an iron to iron my clothes. So I walked across town to the dollar store and bought a $5 iron.

I still had that iron, and it worked GREAT, until early this summer. That is when it happend... I dropped my poor iron off the ironing board onto the floor. I almost started crying!

Well, I ran outside and told my hubby what had happened. he told me to get a new one right then. So I went to Walmart. I had no idea there were so many types and prices of irons. The one I had before my $5 one was an antique electric Sunbeam that was given to me.

So I called my hubby and asked how much i should spend? The cheapest one they had was $10. he told me to spend more than that, go ahead, get the best one I could for $50.

Well,,,, that $50 iron only lasted a few weeks.

It was a Sunday afternoon, i had a deadline on a project for the next day. That $50 iron died.

I franticlly called the dollar store to see if they were still open (it was a Sunday). Yes, they were open. i asked her if she had a cheap iron. I told her what had happened. she set the phone down for a few minutes. When she came back she told me she had one for $7 and would put it behind the register for me.

Well, I still have that iron. It's been a few months, but its looking like a long relationship.

And no auto shut off! :)
I sure hope you were able to return the $50 one???
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