Old 09-29-2010, 05:39 AM
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What a great group of mothers on this board. All of you are teaching your children to be responsible and respectful. By my own choice, I didn't have children. I now have 3 stepkids, they are all in there 20's now. I have had 2 of them live with us and they both were kicked out for lack of respect for our home. DH's son now has his own place and is very sorry for what he put us thru. DH's daughter is in her own place and working 2 jobs to support her and her son. When the kids were in their late teens and out of control their mother moved 1500 miles away. I guess my point is, teach your kids to be responsible for their actions, like picking up their rooms, before they get out of control and get in real trouble outside of the home. I'm not saying these kids got into trouble because of not having a clean room, but lived with their mother that didn't care (those words come from what the kids have told me). It's been hard for me because I was raised so diffrently
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