Old 09-29-2010, 10:08 AM
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Originally Posted by quiltmaker
Originally Posted by Candace
I don't consider it arguing when people are sharing their opinions and ideas politely. Amen to that. 8-)

Oh Candace, I didn't feel we were arguing just trying to express our thoughts. I think we cleared up the confusion. I know for myself I am more used to talking with people verbally and many times trying to express myself in a thread/blog is more difficult for me. It's new to me to participate more actively in this type of situation so maybe sometimes my written word doesn't come out quite correctly and if so I am truly sorry.

My main concern was Madamish and making sure she understood exactly what her 7570 has and could do. This is a fabulous machine and although older by todays standards is in my opinion the best the germans made and it was also the last. She really needs to get the instruction books and learn her machine. For me it's hard to explain everything by words without having the ability to actually show her.

At any rate, I didn't feel we argued in an way and I appreciate your experiences with your 830 which really is different and I didn't know that. It is interesting to learn about other's machines.
re instruction book: I did look all through the manual that came with the machine, but I didn't find it to be particularly detailed or clear. I've noticed other people online referring to "Pfaff binders". Are there additional books available that would be useful to have?
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