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Old 10-04-2010, 10:08 AM
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Originally Posted by Joan Rosemary
Hi an interesting subject that may help others. If you have successfully stopped smoking, how did you do it.
I smoked for nion 50 years (tried to stop several times before) I have finally done it.
I did it by seeing a counsellor and taking up knitting. Can't smoke while your hands are busy, I never smoked indoors I always went outside away from everyone. So every time I got an urge for a ciggarette I would pick up my knitting.
What did you do? and how many attemps did you have. I had a total of 20 ranging from a few hours to 8 months.
Congrats on quitting! It is the sinlge most important thing you can do for your health. I smoked for 40 years and made 9 attempts to quit without success. After 13 years of trying to have a baby my daughter finally gave birth to Billy in 2002. When Billy's daddy passed away we told him his daddy is in heaven now. One day Billy came to me and said "Nana if you and mama go to heaven too, who's going to stay down here with me. Billy was 6 years old. I took him in my arms and promised him that his mama and I were going to be here with him for a very long time. That satisfied Billy but made me realize I would never be able to keep my promise to that little angel if I continued to smoke. I went to my doctor that week, he gave me Chantix and within 7 days I knew I was finally a non-smoker. Chantix made it so easy I wish I had used it years ago. Now I am a Quit Ambassador for Pfizer Pharm. One week out of every month they send me to doctor's offices and medical clinics all over the United State. We do educational and motivational seminars to get people to stop smoking. I have a passion for helping people do this. If anyone on this board wants to pm me I would be happy to help in any way I can. Congratulations to all who have quit, Good Luck to those trying to quit and if you still will quit ONLY when YOU are ready! (and you find your own motivation).

Keep in mind, please, the e-cigs have not been approved as safe to use by the FDA, nor have they been proven to work.
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