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Old 10-05-2010, 05:06 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: North Central Texas
Posts: 656

Fellow quilters I would love some advice from you folks.
About two months ago I happened to run across a local fellow quilter. She told me she needed some red plaid flannel to finish a quilt she was making for her son's upcoming wedding. Told her I thought I had some and when I got home I pulled out every piece of red plaid flannel that I had. I called her and she was only minutes away at that time and stopped by to see my flannel. She said she'd take it all, and when she got home she would measure it and call me and we could agree on a price.

First mistake on my part was calling her before I saw how much was there. Especially since this was not just one piece but several. I just didn't think about her stopping by so soon that day.

I haven't heard a word from her since she left that day.
Would you...let it go and forget it.
or call her and ask how the quilt turned out...
or ask if the fabric worked out okay for her...

Fact is, I can live with it if she can. I was simply trying to help out a fellow quilter and somewhat of a neighbor although she lives several miles from me. (in the back country)

It just bothers me when people don't follow through with what they say they'll do. It really isn't that much about the $$$, it's more about principle to me.

Thanks guys, I appreciate your opinions and thoughts.

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