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Old 10-06-2010, 04:51 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: CA & NM
Posts: 1,120

I just read this entire thread and agree you should continue to quilt as long as you can. Donating your quilts can be very rewarding. Giving them for charity raffles is another way to pass them on and certainly the recipient will appreciate having the quilt, esp. as they bought the raffle tickets! Selling them (be sure you price them appropriately) can keep you in more fabric and supplies! If you have created a quilt that you put a lot of time and $$ into and are especially pleased with, hang it on your wall for a while just to enjoy. You can always pass it on to an especially deserving person when you find them, perhaps you could have a writing contest at a school or ?? and choose the recipient that way. Might even make a new friend that way (and teach them to quilt too!). Your daughter will ocme around to appreciate your takent some day. In the meantime, keep on quilting!
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