Thread: in a pickle
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Old 10-06-2010, 02:41 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Oakville,ON
Posts: 170

At Scouts Canada we also have popcorn sales. Usually my garage is headquarters when it all comes in... and the excess inventory used to stay there too!!!

We just had a popcorn door to door funraiser and I refused to participate in it. Stephen's dad sells about $200+ just at his office, so we don't need to go door to door.

I know of BSA group from the Finger Lakes area in NY that does not charge fees, BUT fundraises heavily instead. Maybe that's what this group does, and then if they get enough money from the popcorn they don't have to do anymore fundraising!

I would also want to see the terms of the popcorn sales (that they must raise $325.00 ea. or it comes out of the parents pockets)... in writing!!! Cause it sounds weird to me!

As they others have said. Contact council to see what they say.

Good Luck!!!
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