Old 10-18-2010, 04:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Spring
Im pretty sure Im pushing too hard because my knuckles are white while Im pushing..lol You may be on to something there.
I started with a scrap sampler but it had some straight-line patterns for the first few blocks before moving onto triangles and curves.

As for cutting: I thought I had to hold the ruler in the center - press like crazy and give the yardage a rolling whack with the cutter. Instead, I am supposed to hold the lower half of the ruler - firmly - cut just to where my fingers are, walk my hand to the other half of the ruler - pressing firmly and cutting the rest of the yardag.

I think everyone needs to learn what works for them, and making a mistake can be such a wonderful teacher. Even if you want to kick yourself - odds are, you won't repeat that mistake too often. Of course, there will be new ones.
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