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Old 10-20-2010, 04:32 PM
Ms. Shawn
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Originally Posted by DeniseP
I was recently at a discount store in my area called Marden's. Most fabric is about $2.99/yard and they have great stuff. The manager of the fabric department is a friend of mine (as most fabric dept. workers know me by name!) and was telling me about a woman who shops there frequently. VERY frequently. Her sewing room was in an upstairs bedroom above her living room. One day she came home and her sewing room was IN her living room. The floor could not support the weight of all the fabric she had and it caved in!

Would your stash cave your floor in? I keep mine divided in enough places so that it won't!
Not mine I have very little but thanks for the laugh!
:lol: :lol:
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