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Old 10-20-2010, 06:01 PM
arpdesigns28's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Louisville, KY
Posts: 75

Originally Posted by TexasGurl
Wow that house must have been in really bad shape structurally, it might be possible - but more likely the joists were already failing, rotted or damaged by termites etc
I have a one story on a conc slab so no worries there ... but my Closet shelves could give way someday !!
Not necessarily. Sometimes, they just fail because of too much loading on it- every type of material has a max load capacity per cu. in., multiplied by its length and depth, it's pretty darn strong. But, it would take a LOT for those floor joists to fail- wood is extremely strong, even when being loaded on that much by a large fabric collection. My floor hasn't failed, but I do want to use up my fabric collection. So, already working on it. The other good news is that I just went through some of my stash, and am finding some good stuff to use for some clients.
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