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Old 10-21-2010, 09:55 AM
Ramona Byrd
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Join Date: May 2009
Location: Merced, CA
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Now I have questions about my Grandma that I wished I'd had sense enough to ask when she was living. I saw a picture of her and her mother in the late 1800s at the age of 7. Her mother died shortly after. They were both dressed in high middle class dresses, yet she wound up the wife of a poor, hard scrabble farmer, probably, I have no idea of what his education was..but his brothers were politicians and business men. Sure do wish I knew lots of answers, but all of them were buried decades ago.

Now I'm going to add often to the diary I'm keeping for my kids and Grands to enjoy now or later. Maybe it will make up for what I've not had the time or chance to tell them when we do meet.
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