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Old 10-24-2010, 05:29 AM
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Westerville, Ohio
Posts: 711

boy do I ever wish I had asked more questions. Dad died when I was 9 which is 48 years ago so mom raised us by herself. Mom has been gone for 4 years now, she lived with us for the last 1-1/2 years of her life and although I did ask some questions, not nearly enough. While I knew my mom was married before (my sisters dad), I never knew my dad was married before my mom. I know her name was Joanne, and I know how my parents met after she & my dad divorced--my dad was 12 years older than my mom and loved her dearly as well as us kids. I wonder now if Joanne had any kids by my dad, and what life was like for mom & dad. I know my mom had TB, but do not know if it was before my brother and I were born or after. My grown daughter is bi-polar and there are so many times that she does or says things just like my mom, that I now wonder if Mom was too. Except for my dad's brother, I never really knew his side of the family--his dad, mom and sister died when he was little and his grandmother raised the 2 boys. Mom told me some things, but now I wish I knew more. My moms sister cannot help because she suffered a stroke before my mom passed and although she understands when you talk to her, she cannot communicate back very well. I miss calling her to talk---so my advice is that for those of you who still have your parents with you, call them, ask questions, be a part of their lives---because one day they willnot be there.
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