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Old 10-26-2010, 02:04 PM
Chasing Hawk
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Originally Posted by akrogirl
Originally Posted by hobo2000
Every city has empty houses galore and empty office buildings. The bankers got us into this mess. why can't they turn these into apts. for the homeless families that are living out of cars with 2-3 kids. We can give billions to help the banks and insurance co's. Let them starve and lets take care of our own. We need to band together as we do when a quilter is in a desparate way.
If the banks would actually work with the people who are truly doing their best to make what mortgage payments they can, we wouldn't have this problem. Sadly, the banks do better by foreclosing on houses that are covered by mortgage insurance.

I get so disgusted reading about the huge bonuses these guys are making while, at the same time, they are ruining so many lives. The disparity between those at the top and the average worker is just obscene these days.
There are people who truly want to make their mortgage payment and who got a "legitimate" home loan. And not one of those variable mortgages that basically let anyone with a heartbeat get a house they knew they could not afford. Especially when that big payment was due 5 or 6 years later.

The people who ended up with a loan they couldn't pay for and the banks who made these loans along with the feds are the problem. A lot of people today live way beyond their means, credit cards, 2 or more car payments a refinanced house etc. When we applied for our home loan the mortgage people were surprised at our debt to income ratio, it was almost nil. Which made us qualify for a 5% APR interest rate 30 yr. fixed rate.

A lot of this homeless problems is drug and alcohol related. Homelessness is defined as not having a permanent residence, living in a hotel or motel, in a travel trailer or living on someone couch as well as living in a tent or car.
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