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Old 10-27-2010, 08:29 AM
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Originally Posted by Favorite Fabrics
If this issue bothers you, and makes you think about how you might be able to become part of the solution, then I have two books to suggest you read. Both are by Shane Claiborne: "The Irresistible Revolution: Living as an Ordinary Radical" and "Jesus for President" They're paperback, so they're not expensive, especially if you buy them second-hand. And they're sure to get you thinking!

Just in case the titles give you pause, consider this definition of the word "radical": Departing markedly from the usual or customary. If you look at these kinds of social issues and are not thinking "Well, that's not my problem!" or "We have social programs to take care of this" then you may already be a radical!

(Yes it is possible to even be conservative and radical at the same time!)
I totally agree with this. Radical is standing on your own 2 feet when the government keeps trying to control you with handouts. We take care of our welfare for us. We reach out to others to help them, too. WWJD? Give a hand to someone to help them get up, not a handout to keep them dependent. That's how this nation was built...neighbors helping neighbors, families helping each other. All this social programs stuff didn't start until the 60's. Before that it was individuals making life work...what happened to that spirit of independence? Now too many people are just looking for a handout. We have tons of beggars on our street corners with signs saying "will work for food", but they won't when offered. They just want money. Sad and disgusting. I never give to them. Same people working together sitting on the same corners, they just rotate in shifts!! Can you believe it?
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