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Old 11-01-2010, 04:07 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: St. Paul, Minnesota
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I am partial to Pointer/Labs! Bess is a good dog - almost 8 years old now! She was a free dog. All the farmer wanted was that someone would love her. Actually, the female had 11 puppies and they were all spoken for. Bess' sister is owned by our son and daughter in law. There is something about a "mutt" that is special. But you have to be willing to sign over your home, your refrigerator, anything that is on the counter in the kitchen, not to mention table, waste basket - in any room - and most of all your heart. It doesn't matter what dog you get. It is the training that makes the dog and the love you give it. Dogs love unconditionally, we don't! When we take on the responsibility of a dog or cat for that matter, we are allowing them to trust us implicitly and that is what makes a dog a member of the family. Our next door neighbor took an American Staffordshire Terrier as a rescue dog. He is loved, cared for, played with, you name it. He has the most gentle mouth you could imagine. He loves carrots. I should know - I have to buy them every week for him - An American Staffordshire Terrier is better known (or worse known) as a Pit Bull. Whatever you get, you will make him/her. How he/she turns out is totally up to you. It kills me to see an owner with their dog and the dog flinches. It has been hit and I cannot tolerate that! Love your dog and she will love you back - no ground rules, no nothing, just pure unadulterated love. Enjoy. Edie
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