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Old 07-30-2007, 09:40 AM
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Join Date: Nov 2006
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Posts: 781

Ripping is NO fun. I have been making quilted bags and finally thought I would try the spray adhesive. It kept the layers from slliding, and especially if you are stitching on the diagonal.

My walking foot does not have a hole for the quilting guide, so I had to use the regular foot. But the adhesive really works.

Here is what I learned: I used JoAnn 50% off coupon on the 6.2 oz can which sells for $12.99 (ouch!) Then I went to Wal-Mart and found they have a 12 oz can for $6.99. You can decide which is the bet buy! I am kicking myself already.

At the check out in JoAnn's I got tips from other quilters.....shake, shake and shake some more. The more you shake the finer the spray and the further the can will go (if spraying a quilt.) Be sure to work on smaller area and smooth out the layers quickly. I pinned my project in the middle, sprayed, smoothed, then did the other half, then flipped the pieces and repeated. No more sliding fabric. HOO-RAY! for spray adhesive.

I hope you can complete your project with no more ripping.

Then, would you share the site with the pattern you are using? Perhaps others would like to use it. And what batting did you use?

June in Cincinnati
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