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Old 11-12-2010, 10:08 AM
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I am amazed at how many of us have this. I have FM, CF, and PCOS. I've had it for about 35 years. Pain and fatigue a never ending battle. I'd kill for a good nights sleep..well maybe not kill...! Stress and big triggers! Can't make it through a day without em LOL! If we only looked as bad as we felt!!!! Sometimes I think it would actually help to look a little sick! I'm having a flare and I'm just so crabby this time! So much to do in so little time and no energy at all...the aching I can deal with (most of the time) it's the energy or lack of it that just kills me. I've tried meds. but lucky me, I usually get the side affects that say "stop taking and call your physician immediately!" With this flare I found I could NOT walk down steps! Did have to go the steriod route and can now hobble my way down! This just so sucks!
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