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Old 11-12-2010, 11:35 AM
Jo Mama
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Originally Posted by Gabrielle's Mimi
If I had to choose only 4 notions that I can't live without they would be:
1. my Machingers gloves for quilting
2. my small tomato pincushion with adhesive on the bottom. I attached the pincushion to the top of my machine and I can find & use it without even looking up from my sewing
3. my binding clips that look like the pop-open hair clips...they save so much time
4. my Kwik Clip tool for placing quilting pins

Isn't it great when you've bought an item and it really DOES work well?
I have the quilting gloves by F&P but medical gloves work just as well. I got a bunch in my size from the nurses during a recent surgical procedure. You can buy them just about anywhere. Also went to Dollar Tree and bought the hair clips - they work as well as the more expensive ones I bought a few years ago
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