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Old 11-14-2010, 09:00 AM
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Originally Posted by deanna.r
Once, we had been out of the house for quite a while; and our old rescue mutt, who has never chewed anything since she was a puppy, ate a tube of bright red lipstick (used by my daughter for dance performances) and proceeded to vomit it all over our grey living room rug. I tried everything I could think of to get those marks out and nothing worked-- it looked like a murder scene! Finally I sprayed them with WD-40 and it worked like a charm.
After I stopped laughing over the "murder scene" comment, I went out to my DH's work area and got his smallest can of WD40. I'll keep it in my quilting room from now on, for emergency murder scenes of my own.
I'm loving this thread. I've read it over a couple of times to make sure I haven't missed anything. I'm making note of anything that looks like it will work for me. 8-)
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