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Old 11-15-2010, 01:10 PM
Junior Member
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Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Eclectic, Alabama
Posts: 272

Hi! I just finished a baby quilt were I used the backing and binding as one piece. I did more or less like the tutorial showed but slightly different. I cut my batting about 1-1/2" wider than the quilt. Then added the backing, cutting it about 2" wider than quilt and batting layer. I think when I folded the backing up and over to form the binding, there seemed to less bulk because it was the one layer 0f batting and backing fabric. Did a blanket stitch around the entire binding. I also didn't finish the corners like the tutorial, I hand-tacked mine.
I really liked how it all come out. There's picture of quilt in my photo album in the "my quilts" section. Chris
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