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Old 11-21-2010, 03:52 AM
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As stated above there is no such thing as a dumb question. This is the forum for asking any and all questions. Admin. also created the search feature so we can all look up and review topics already brought up. One problems is people don't necessarily ask their question correctly in the new topic which they are supposed to do. This gets questions asked and answered all out of wack. Also something that personally gripes me is that people don't read through the entire thread and re-ask the same thing over and over again when it has already been answered in that particular thread.

I know many people don't care but those of use that like to read thoughout the entire thread do get a bit aggrivated especially when it becomes a very long thread and you could have taken out about 3 or so pages because people didn't read through the entire thread. Just jumping into a topic where ever and making comments can really take the topic far off subject.

Also there is a welcome thread, tutorial thread, pictures thread, not quilting related thread, for sale thread and others when you first get onto the board. If all of these were used as the way they were set up to be used I believe things would go a lot smoother for everyone. Like someone else mentioned Craftybear and some others are just fabulous and finding links to help people out. I so enjoy reading, learning and just enjoying hearing how others do things.

I would think everyone would try and familiarize with all the available subject areas and go to the area that best suits their needs. I know Admin. has gone to great lengths to make this possible for the benefit of everyone on the board. This is hands down the best set up board available to any quilter on the net. So in my humble opinion it is our own responsibility to familiarize with how the board works to the best advantage for everyone.

Thanks Admin, and all Moderators for all you have done and continue to do to have such a fabulous board.
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