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Old 11-27-2010, 07:09 AM
Junior Member
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Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Middlebury Vermont
Posts: 225

The first trip around the world quilt I made was in a class I took as a beginner quilter. We sewed strips in panels, then cut the panels into more strips. Then we sewed all those together end for end. I must have had a sting of squares at least 100 feet long. After deciding which fabric would be my center, I unsewed the strip wherever the color pattern ended for each row. The second trip quilt which I just finished was a colorwash trip, super king, had 20 colors and I kept the strips in groups of 10 colors so it would be easier to manage. Worked fine. Don't have a photo yet, planning to set it up on my bed for pics, before I give it to my daughter for Christmas. Will post soon.
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