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Old 12-01-2010, 09:14 AM
Chasing Hawk
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Originally Posted by pittsburgpam
It can be a little tricky walking the fine line between being a grandma and a mother. My grandson, who is not quite 2 years old, is getting a little out of hand, in my opinion. It's not too awfully bad yet but he will do things like try to take something from his 3 year old brother and if he doesn't get it he SCREAMS, at a very high pitch, at the top of his lungs and starts edging towards a tantrum. My daughter just tells the 3 year old to give it to him. That's wrong several ways... give into the 2 year old and not sticking up for the 3 year old.

I said, as gently as I could, that she shouldn't give into his screaming. It teaches him that if he does it, he gets what he wants. She didn't appreciate that and I may just need to not say anything more.

That doesn't mean that I have to give into it though. They came to visit on Sunday for a little bit and I was looking up something for us on my laptop that is on my ottoman. The 2 year old wanted the laptop, I wouldn't let him touch it. He then literally was trying to pry my hand off of the mouse because he wanted it. I didn't say a word, just kept my hand there and wouldn't let him have it. Boy, did he get mad. Not a full-blown tantrum but yelling, fussing, crawled up on mama and twisting all around.

I know young people don't want advise and I don't want to be the mother that tries to tell my daughter how to raise her children. On the other hand, we all learn from those before us and my mother would have, and did, correct my children too.

Do you just bite your tongue in this situation?
With our Grandkids, we discipline then just like we did their parents.

Then after that we "sugar" them up and send them home......LOL
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